George Floyd's death and its impact all over the world. Not only black. Morte de negro americano por policial e repercussoes mundo afora

It was brutal: George Floyd, an american citizen, and black, was murdered by a white policeman in Minneapolis, as a knee smashed his face and neck until he couldnt breath anymore, and die. Protests exploded all around the world, from New York to Pwrth, Australia, London, Berlin. George was nothing. Only an animal. A pet, wild one, sufocated until he died. Why would the policeman care? Another one blocked some people's view and who were filming with cellphones. But George died. And racism came to the surface. Lootings, huge protests, vandalism, mixed all together. USA doesnt face only the black citizen's  death by policemen as a dark spot in its list. Xenofobism is another huge problem for United States. Watching a tv presentor who started not long ago comparing foreigners to mexicans at the frontier with US "stealing" objects after US Open was something... ... Extreme. Does he can? No. But when the buzz for George Floyd hit the world, so, the CBS tv presentor became "anti-racist". Funny how some change position quickly as the "current issue". For marketing. George Floyd's death became a genuine anger for many americans, but empty "protests" for those repeated posts in a complete nonsense. Many who are totally racists. But uouuou, they have a black tv presentor working with harrassment but they are so naive... So "genuine". Same tools in Brazil. The policeman who suffocated George heard him asking to breath. People in the streets asked him to stop. As it was told, it was the fourth time of some violence's accusation for that policeman. In 2020, is unaceptable that a member of US police didnt have received trainment to deal respecting "the law" and human rights. What about United Nations words? Where are they? And its not only about George, right? An urgent recall and immediate changes and guarantees must assure black people (and any colors) rights for being respected and dont become target of violence or disrespect of their human rights guaranteed by law in free countries. They must be remembered and applied specially for those that explore the abuse of their jobs and positions. Harrassment and prejudice, xenofobism, games for destroying people and IDs in order to promote any kind of marketing covers using the same tools are another knee in another neck that must be seen as object of justice interventions to preserve IDs and life's "equality". George Floyd was a shock to remember how alleged powers can destroy in a brutal way and punishment must be clear. Its not about a black issue only. But any type of abuse of power, ina clear show or hidden but with suffocation by thesr modern distortions of knees. Its time to change the tools. Time to apply justice. And make it work. (Rosaly Queen - Berlin at 9)