George Floyd months after Vogue's prejudice. Puxando o racismo da Vogue espanhola, meses atrás, e o grito de George Floyd.

This Photo showed up in Vogue Spain, months Ago. The same that had Penélope Cruz in ITS front cover. Tia Black woman with tomatoes in her head, showed up with a Green veil, and in an editorial with a modelo with hands tied, an old blonde woman, in pink, and that, right above, Black, and looking like a house Cleane. A poor employee. Signos of yellow and green were shown through the Vogue's editorial, Commander by Penélope Cruz And Almodóvar, If we weren't wrong. The protests against that discriminativo was fone, but few heard. Or Said something. Joaquín Phoenix Said It. In BAFTA Awards. She was being related to brazilians. The feeling of "supremacy" coming from Almodóvar and Penélope Cruz (who did want to promote herself to the Oscars, but attacking others?) , could be compares to the same knee in George Floyd's neck, squeezing It until he died. But, then, the World wake up. Vogue IS an International group that manifested a clear racism, Just like that. And also, other ways to promote bullying and prejudice, as Editorials with "dogs" (the same that showed up in many Celebrities, tv presentors photos), and others with cactus simulating "desertic attacks" promoted by whom Just wished to push outros a Brazilian journalist out of the place. That IS a garbage. Another way to find a George Floyd and put him on the ground, killing him. For them was Funny. For the World, the protests for George Floyd's was a way to manifest that Racism and prejudice IS disgusting. But Just check It above. What about Geórgia? (Berlin at 9) (Foto Reprodução)