Distortions in brazilian newspapers : comanded by tv group? Assedio por jornais brasileiros obedecem grupo de tv

Several.brazilians newspapers would have following the harrassment promoted bya brazilian tv group against journalist Rosaky Queen with distortions of notes and fake news to promote ones, to be attractiin for publicity, using posts related to her, and people surround her work and daily life, to burn her image or to create a simple "mesz". Many international commercials were blocked, ignored or were made target of jokes to promote the harrassments interests of brazilian media grouos against her. The thing is that it spreaded tosmall newspapers that wanna to feel "in power" to create a wave of negative material just to feel that they can and trying to show that others are minors. Some wanna try to deviate attentuon to figures related to Neymar's friends who attacked her with massive bullying when she got apparted from him and did chose another person. Newspapers were collected and showed to Queen's lawyers. What i stupid is that brazilians attack so quickly who had the courage to do a move out of the country so earlier to work, and many only speak about some figures commanded by the same tv group who does the same mess in media over and over again. Law is valid today. But they still think they can do whatever they want. (Berlin at 9)