Klm and Lufthansa helping passengers going back home. The bad soda, XBox argentinians. Agradecimentos a KLM, Lufthansa, o arco-íris, os comodistas da hashtag, a United Nations contra os direitos humanos, e a brincadeira egoísta do refrigerante para gerar piada contra pedidos de ajuda. Vírus Corona e realidades.

Corona Vírus, help, flights, XBox, Soda and jokes about people out of home - @bignypress @rosalyqueen www.rosalyqueen.live

KLM's rainbow and journalist Rosaly Queen - help for who was out of home during Corona Virus impacts

Thank you KLM, thank you Lufthansa (Vielen Danke), and the flight companies and employees, pilota, flight attenders, who helped in sending back passengers (people) back home during the blocks and the closer of frontiers of so many countries, during the explosion of Corona Virus and facing some "governments ORDERS" that forgot that many people were out If their home, and many were out out of hotels, that, scared, "obbeyed" in a blindness way the "tvs phrases" and forgot about what human lives mean. To United Nations, the Shame in the post mentioning "mental health" and "tips" to play XBOX "at home", as so many people (humans) were out If their houses, travelling, giving money to hotel's, restaurants, flight companies, or working and making business. Jokes about UN "post" were replied by athletesand other people tgroughout the World in Instagram (check @jamesrodriguez19, Juventus, and others) in a complete nonsense by the organization that did a joke of its duty. Argentinians who were at Galeão airport mentioned that they Will proceed with lawyers against the flight companies involved in the issue, that left them exposed at the Rio's airport, without food provisions, hotels, exposed to be contamined to the vírus. Its a serious matter. No time for jokes against lives and problems in minds as "lack of memory" about people. Angela Merkel, Thank s for being in blue. But its still much work tô tô. Argentinian President... You should gave done something for Your people quickly, its Your job. But You didnt colaborarem. What Shame! Soda's Company that did the joke with the soccer player... No comments. For now. Money x people x vírus x image (Rosaly Queen) (Berlinat9) Fotos Reprodução Instagram (kLM) and AlmightyAgency