"Copacabana, south or center, Rio is not safe". "Copacabana, centro ou outros locais, o Rio não é seguro". Codiv_19

Marriot Hotel, in Atlântica Avenue, in Copacabana. "Rio is not safe", said a tourist

O Brasil respira um ar de dúvida e inseguranças devido a ordens desencontradas para gerar "contenção de pessoas" e restrições várias devido ao espalhar do Corona Vírus. Como Brasil não e pais europeu, as cidades aparentavam um esvaziamento, e muita insegurança nas ruas. "Não se sabe a que medidas seabda para que os cidadãos ou turistas ainda circulem em segurança. Virou uma bagunça total em termos de quem da ordens, e quem tenta manter em vigor  alguns ditos sobre quarentena, uns que funcionam, outros, não. Uns arbitrarios, e muita gente não confia no que está sendo dito e impulsionado pela imprensa", disse Vera de Azevedo, que caminhava pelas ruas de Copacabana, para ir a farmácia. A avenida Atlântica, uma das principais de Copacabana, ainda tinha pessoas poucas circulando, alguns de bicicleta, mas mesmo em frente ao hotel Marriot, um dos mais caros de Copa, a situação era de insegurança. Hotéis na orla, como o Windsor e Emiliano, já estavam fechados e não aceitavam mais novas reservas, até que a situação melhorasse, com relação ao Corona.
Situation in Rio is not safe. With many of the streets almost empty, Copacabana (Marriot Hotel), one of the tourists first choices when travelling to the city, was "scary". "Its a situation not safe for the entire city, streets are almost empty, we must Go to drugstores and markets, but we dont feel safe. Governors are dictatibg ordes and theories, we dont know who is in charge to command the orders for 'safety' in the streets, and most of people dont Trust in what press, major vehicles, are saying, with which intentions", Said Vera de Azevedo, who was walking by a Copacabana's streets. "We are trying to stay ar home, but its not everything we can gave by delivery", told her. Vera is Just one of many Brazilians that felt unsafe. Jair Bolsonaro, Brazilian President, its being hit by many critics, but does know How media can intensify some mistakes to turn population in hate against him. "Time to be carefull with words, andbe more EFFECTIVE, knowing that there is a média working against him for hidden ir exposed interests against his purposes that schock the channels ones", Said João Campos, a communication's specialist, who deals with  Public Relations, and had watches situations of crisis almost like before. "He should be aware of How orders for security in streets and citizens are being given, and Control a little bit more, the anger and anxiety, during these chaotic times. Nothing to be afraid. Its Just not allowing of some mistakes keep being done and spoken, and be direct to media which is playing with mistakes", Said him.