Reinados de Monte Carlo. Monte Carlo's kingdom

Se em terra de cego, caolho e' rei, em Monte Carlo o imperio funciona com tarimbo diferente. Se Albert manda na terra, Nadal manda no saibro. The King of Clay quer estender o reinado, e provar que 2018 e' ano de rei espanhol. Monte Carlo nao resiste. Albert permite. O passaporte ja foi carimbado, enquanto, de outros, na espera da burocracia brasileira. Quadra rapida. Reinado longo. Os favores de rei sao outros. Se 2018 esta' so' comecando, coroa fajuta nao serve. So' reinados merecidos. Ole'! (Berlin at 9) Monte Carlo and their monarchy jobs. Nadal is playing today after recovery treatments and Davis Cup, in Valencia, few days ago. If the season promises to be one of the best of his career, the king knows how hold a crown. Slippery floors are in his way to proove that the best stands up. If Monte Carlo breaths the royals atmosphere, he wants a prize. If the foot is a problem, hands are the solution. They must handle to raise up many times in this two thousand+10+8 season. (Berlin at 9)