Terrinha e pão de queijo, mais moda. Typical food, shopping, 3 days tour.

Deixando a terra natal depois de 3 dias de pão de queijo (cheese rolls), compras, circular de moda, meetings, e ver tudo estranho depois de 8 meses de carioquices, mar, surfe, e, agora... checkout para outras terras de demanda. O calendário segue mais alto, flashes mais necessários que as intempestades do Rio. No tv-managements-victim.
After three days of ... rain, cheese rolls, trainning, fashion all around (good brands, the best), weird to check how much a city may change in 8 months, even in slow motion. Shocking comparision with Rio´s way of life, surf, sand, ocean, sunglasses, but the violence that is not shown on tv as its in reality, as advertisings and other interests take place and forget about the truth in Brazil. There are troops in the streets for Rock in Rio, a big event, and, wow, months later after the Carnival, which opened the doors for much more violence in the town, and, then, its the "government"s fault. Or who opened the permission to the Carnival, who got a lot with it, as streets were dirty and people ocupied the streets for a alleged "party", that only caused damages in Rio. But someone must convence many ones that is necessary for "tourism", increase sex and ... consume of drugs, alcohool, that are converted in traffic accidents, and no one remembered that, spending money with the "party", it will cause much more damage in the lack of medications in public service. Who cares? Just do the  advertising - if you lie too much, no one will see the dirty in the streets, the people naked having sex at 11 am and, probably, spreading AIDS, getting crazy, and teens wouldnt be arrested breaking windows and stealing stores, as the confusion takes the streets. This image wont be shown on tv. Only the "amazing" two days of party in the Sambodromo, because it brings money from sponsorships. So, your "service" that wants to hear brazilians inhabitants about their "opinions" about their countries, it doesnt work like that. So, its nice to stay three days in a calm city, where everything is much organized, and you really keep wondering why did you returned to Brazil and how they blame foreign media to have their eyes wide open about brazilian realities and manipulations, as some get money calling a state of "cheese rools", as take clothes off to try to do sucess as others do in desperate measures, stamping a gas station wall, as who tells the truth, must be silenced by advertising traps. So... you would prefer the cheese rolls, the non-drug people in multitude in the streets, the cold weather of your other country, the snow, and no need of who pays to create another "true", because lazyness is much preferable than put the right things on their places and believe in wrong opinions, anyway, there are much more people trying to clame they are doing sucess and things are working if one keeps in silence, and many lie together to make a lie looks like its right. Thats why brazilians and the country walk like ten miles behind, instead of moving ahead faster. Well, people with another mind have better preferences. Its so different than the allienation samba. The music sounds better in another beat. (Rosaly Queen - Berlin at 9) (foto: Almighty Agency)